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  • Steve Jobs shares his strategy for saving Apple from bankruptcy

Steve Jobs shares his strategy for saving Apple from bankruptcy

Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy when Steve Jobs returned to the company in July of 1997. The clip below is from a CNBC interview three months later.

When asked about his strategy for turning the company around, Jobs shared the following advice:

“Somebody taught me a long time ago a very valuable lesson which is if you do the right things on the top line, the bottom line will follow. And what they meant by that was: if you get the right strategy, if you have the right people, and if you have the right culture at your company, you’ll do the right products. You’ll do the right marketing. You’ll do the right things logistically and in manufacturing and distribution. And if you do all those things right, the bottom line will follow.”

P.S. We’ve put together a YouTube playlist with videos of Steve Jobs featured in this newsletter. Watch to learn more about his stories and ideas.